作者:admin 来源: 发布日期:2020-12-07 浏览次数:2180



赵嫚,副教授,硕导,生物资源与生物环保研究所副所长,浙江省植物学会青年理事。研究方向生物资源的开发利用与合成,主要涉及酶的挖掘与定向改造,生物催化,代谢工程与合成生物学。主持国家自然基金青年基金、省重点研发项目、省青年基金、省一般项目,企业横向项目等多项。以第一或通讯作者在GBE, BMC Plant Biology, JSE, IJMS, PloS ONE等期刊上发表SCI 论文10余篇。申请专利7项。获浙江省青年教师教学技能大赛特等奖,浙江工业大学“十佳”青年教师称号。











1. 赵嫚,彭莉,成浩,应向贤,汪钊. 2020. 微生物甲硫氨酸合成调控的综合研究进展与展望. 食品与发酵工业. 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.024785.

2. Zhao M*, Wang W, Wei L, Chen P, Peng L, Qin Z, Yuan F, Wang Z, Ying X*. 2019. The evolution and biocatalysis of FAD2 indicate its correlation to the content of seed oil in plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(4):849.

3. Zhao M*, Wang W, Wei L, Chen P, Yuan F, Wang Z, Ying X*. 2018. Molecular evolution and expression divergence of three key Met biosynthetic genes in plants: CGS, HMT and MMT. PeerJ 6:e6023.

4. Zhao M*, Wang W, Wei L, Chen P, Yuan F, Zhu D, Wang Z, Ying X*. 2018. Molecular evolution and expression divergence of HMT gene family in plants. International Journal Molecular Science 19:1248

5. Zhao M*, Ying X, Sun J, Zhao W. 2017. Molecular evolution of Coq1 gene family in eukaryotes. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 55(5):417-425.

6. Zhao M, Gao L, Zhang L, Bai Y, Chen L, Yu M, Cheng F, Sun J, Wang Z, Ying X. 2017. Asymmetric reduction of ketopantolactone using a strictly (R)-stereoselective carbonyl reductase through efficient NADPH regeneration and the substrate constant-feeding strategy. Biotechnology Letters 39:1741-1746.

7. Zhao M, Gu Y, He L, Chen Q and He CY. 2015. Sequence and expression variations suggest an adaptive role for the DA1-like gene family in the evolution of soybeans. BMC Plant Biology 15:120.

8. Zhao M, He LL, Gu Y, Wang Y, Chen QS and He CY. 2014. Genome-wide analyses of a plant-specific LIM-domain gene family implicate its evolutionary role in plant diversification. Genome Biology and Evolution 6(4):1000-1012.

9. Gong PC#, Zhao M# and He CY. 2014. Slow co-evolution of the MAGO and Y14 protein families is required for the maintenance of their obligate heterodimerization mode. PLoS ONE 9(1), e84842. (#Co-first author)

10. He LL, Zhao M, Wang Y, Gai JY and He CY. 2013. Phylogeny, structural evolution and functional diversification of the plant PHOSPHATE1 gene family: a focus on Glycine max. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13, 103.

11. Zhao J#, Tian Y#, Zhang JS, Zhao M, Gong PC, Riss S, Saedler R and He CY. 2013. The euAP1 protein MPF3 represses MPF2 to specify floral calyx identity and displays crucial roles in “Chinese lantern” development in Physalis. The Plant Cell 25, 2002-2021. (#Co-first author)

12. He LL, Zhao J, Zhao M and He CY. 2011. Current development and application of soybean genomics. Frontiers in Biology 6(4), 337-348.

13. Zhang JS#, Li Z#, Zhao J, Zhang S, Quan H, Zhao M and He CY. 2014. Deciphering the Physalis double-layered-lantern 1 mutant provides insights into functional divergence of the GLOBOSA duplicates within the Solanaceae. Plant Physiology 164, 748-764. (#Co-first author)




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